A review by stephquintal
Kingdom Blades by Melissa McPhail


I enjoyed this book, it is one with characters worth following and a plot line which is on the brink of unfolding into something much greater but I can’t help but feel that this read contains unfulfilled potential.

This instalment of the series essentially drops characters that have been followed all through the previous books. This may help clean up the plot lines but I found I missed certain perspectives along the way. I also found the text verbacious - heavily descriptive and over detailing of the laws defined in McPhails world. I get it. They’re oh so complicated and you have a number of genius minds making strides. I am however, now starting to be annoyed by this overly refined attention to details. (These laws seem to be over ruled over by use of imagination so anything can be willed into happening regardless of the laws anyways).

My 3 star seems like an unpopular vote but I didn’t quite feel as enthralled, here’s hoping the next book is better !