A review by katiemonty
Tripping Over You: Volume Three by Suzana Harcum, Owen White


Chapter 7-10

- Oh so they are in uni now and didn’t mention that??
- The alt text saying “oh is that all? i thought you were gonna suggest we go spend some time alone in an isolated environment when we've already discovered we sometimes have slight difficulties relating to each other in ways other than physically” may be a joke but it’s kinda uncomfortable, even the comments thought so too. And that Milo seems way more invested in talking than Liam is. Hmmmm, hopefully it improves.
- Liam’s curly hair is so cute
- Their communication is garbage most of the time, sorry
- The alt captions are pretty funny
- Liam’s coming out scene is pretty great though
- Okay the dad just said “oy gevalt” they’re definitely Jewish
- Honestly Scared for them to move in together