A review by mardr216
Cherry Stem by Sotia Lazu


A vampire book with a mystery to solve, sexy ex vampire boyfriend and promising new conquest well I must say that doesn't sound bad at all. The book had its romantic moments and its action packed moments also. Cherry is a witty character with a no nonsense attitude yet she's good at not showing her softer vulnerable side. I thought that Alex the good guy that's lovable by all accounts seems to take everything rather easily. I did expect more of a freak out instead of him falling in love so fast and dealing rather well with the vampire thing. The moments between Alex and Cherry are great with lots of spice. The sexual tension between them and the denial on her part on falling love was sweet and endearing.

It was nice to see that the book is more practical when it comes to the vampires. The way that they have a support system for new vampires and the fact that they survive better on another vampires blood instead of that of humans was a good twist. You still have your flying vampires and memory wiping tricks. I did find it funny that they have vampire sponsors and manuals on how to live now that they're vampires.

The mystery was good and I completely thought it was someone else who was behind it all. The twist in the end was good and I felt so bad for Cherry. Yes the ending was predictable but the hopeless romantic in me was happy with it all. I would like to read about what happens with the council and with Constantine. There's also the fact that we didn't get the reasons behind Cherry's turning which I would also like to read about. Overall it was a good book and would read further installments.