A review by toasavt
The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis


in theory this book ticks all the boxes i look for in fiction. charmingly aged but still so real and true, kind of gay but still edgy, with lots of solipsistic musings on relationships from cool/pretentious artsy college kids. but somehow i still dragged myself thru this book and it was so annoying to finish. maybe it's the writing style, maybe it's the fact i kept confusing character names a good 3/4 into the book (did they all have the same narrative voice or is that just me??). coming to the realization that as much as i like the stuff ellis talks about theme wise i absolutely can't stand the writing style (had a warning sign when reading american psycho but that book has more plausible deniability due to the intentionally dense writing). 
EDIT: cross media reference time!! just finished arakis teenage apocalypse trilogy and now i wish he directed da film adapt of dis book (gay/edgy/party/drugs/solipsism????????? (also imagine da soundtrack potential))