A review by sammy234
The Demon Lover by Victoria Holt


4.5 stars.

I loved everything about this book except for the rather abrupt ending, which left me kind of dissatisfied. The romance between Rollo and Kate was very angsty, and I could have used another twenty pages or so where they were happily together after their relationship resolved itself. All I got was, "He was there and I threw myself into his arms." Not enough for me. I wanted more.

However, the dark and shocking turn the story took in the last ten pages was still very fantastic and reminded me a lot of a Daphne du Maurier novel. I hope this isn't Victoria Holt's only bodice ripper, because she writes them very well. I remember not being too entertained by The India Fan, the only other book I've read by this author, but The Demon Lover makes me want to read more of her work.

I, much like the heroine Kate, originally was not a big fan of the hero, Rollo, but by the end of the novel I'd fallen completely in love with him. The way they both interacted gave me Jane Eyre vibes and I was so invested. When Rollo comes back to Paris during the war... sigh. It was so romantic.

TW: Non-con but it's not explicit at all