A review by turquoiseavenue
Night Falls on Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright


If you read only one book for this year, let this be it!

Jaime Jo Wright returns with another mesmerizing, ethereal tale of grief, loss and searching for hope in the evil darkness of this world. I simply couldn't put this book down and loved it from the very first words to the emotional ending.

Profound and deep, Wright used both past and present day scenes to evict an almost melodic flow to the unfolding of her story, taunting me with threads life, death and loss. I was wholly captivated with the story and felt the emotions of the richly woven characters deeply. Shrouded in the horrors of mystery and murder with the perplexing idea of visions, ghosts and apparitions, Wright wove a gruesome, yet tantalizing tale.

I thoroughly enjoyed both the modern-day era story of Norah, a B&B owner struggling with fear and grief and Sebastian, a true-crime podcaster who hides behind his stories, as well as the early 1900's story of Effie James, a young woman who may have witnessed a horrifying murder and Anderson, an Englishman in search of his lost love. As always, Wright masterfully wove these two stories together with revelations along the way that kept the story riveting and entertaining.

I appreciated the strong threads of faith, the focus on grief and the fear of losing someone or grieving them, as well as the hint of romance throughout this story. Night Falls on Predicament Avenue was everything I know, and have come to love, about a Wright novel. I cried over the emotional ending and tender, author's note and my heart swooned over the final romance scene.

Hands down, a must read. You simply won't regret it if you enjoy hauntingly fantastic stories that may or may not keep you up at night but always have a truth behind the horrifying tale.

Content and Trigger Warnings: Murder, Loss of a Loved One, Chronic Illness, Social Anxiety

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to post a positive review.