A review by alongapath
When Stars Are Scattered by Omar Mohamed, Victoria Jamieson


Omar and Hassan Mohamed grew up in a Kenyan refugee camp, having fled Somalia as young, young children (aged approx 3 and 4). Separated from their mother during their flight and having witnessed the death of their father, Omar is forever dreaming of finding their mom and returning to farm in Somalia. But as the days, months and years roll by, his goals evolve to those of getting an education and finding a way out of the refugee camp. After 15 years (!!), Omar's dreams are realized.
Omar's story is told in this graphic novel and it is a powerful story, made gentler through Jamieson's artwork. This book, revealing the stark realities of day-to-day hunger, disappointments, community and hope in a refugee camp, is made accessible to readers of any level.
This is my first graphic novel, which I read solely to fill a Bingo square for a reading challenge. I am glad to have stretched out of my comfort zone for this.