A review by jess_readsromance
Crushed Seraphim by Debra Anastasia


"Let me go to Hell. Life without you will be worse. Please. Don't make me miss you, Emma. Love feels amazing. Go ballistic! Fly with me from here. Do anything-do something!"

I actually really enjoyed this. Its a fabulous twist between good and evil, and Debra has created a wonderful modern world full of half-breed vamps, Christmas Angels, and the Devil himself.

When Debra contacted Donna and I to review her book we were immediately drawn in by the blurb; a fallen Angel named Emma (actually she was thrown out by a rogue Angel) comes to Earth to try and help a half-breed vampire named Jason see the good in himself but first she has to help save God from Hell which leads to her meeting the Devil and a bloody love triangle ensues! If she succeeds she gets her ticket back to Heaven (and her wings), and Jason's soul will eventually go too (when he ceases to exist). Easy enough right? Wrong! You'll have to read it to find out why it wasn't easy for Emma. *smirk*

This is beautifully written, I found it fast paced, constant action and even a war between the Devil and Everett! I found the characters well developed especially Jack, the Devil himself; he went from being a sex driven, soul meeting, Lord of the Underworld. To a man who eventually learned and found love. His character grew really quickly throughout the book. What else can I say about Jack? Well he's just pure sex really. He's gorgeous, he has some bad vices like smoking like a chimney and drinking his way through rum and other spirits like he's in a brewery, but that's pretty much to hide who he really is inside. I'm in love with Jack. Period.

I loved Emma she was foul mouthed and strong considering what happened and I immediately liked her. Jason was another I liked straight off too, I always loved vamps, and I especially like vamps that are good, it makes for good reading.

What I really enjoyed about this book was how Debra (not sure why I keep using her first name like we're BFF's) switched the good and evil around. As in making Everett an Angel evil with a cold heart, and making a half-breed vamp and the Devil...ultimately good. I loved the intro we got to God too; I hope to see more of Him in the sequel.

The ending was a nice twist; I especially loved what Debra did to Jason and Jack in the end which should lead to some exciting reading in the second book.

The only gripe I have with this book is the constant shifting between dimensions, Heaven, Hell, Earth, Purgatory and even a little freezing of time, it just had me confused at times and I found myself flicking to a previous chapter to get an idea of where the character(s) were at the time. Other than that, I don't have any other problems. I really enjoyed it, and do think everyone should give it a read and make up their own mind. But if you want a tale with a twist that involves vamps, angels and the devil then definitely pick up Crushed Seraphim by Debra Anastasia.

Well I think that's it from me. I'd just like to thank Debra (there I go with the BBF name again) and her publishers for allowing me to review this :) and I look forward to book two for more Jack! :D

P.S-I do recommend this, but I recommend it to the older demographic, due to swearing and a pretty hot sex scene. There are a lot of sexual innuendos and another mild sex scene so I think this is suited more to 16+