A review by sharolyn
Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People by Eberhard Arnold, Joan Chittister, Dietrich Bonhoeffer


A book Christians need to read! We were gifted it and invited to join the Bruderhof in Elsmore, Australia, for a conference discussing Christian Community. The prophetic nature of the book and our experience of generous welcome in the community have really affected me and will stay with me.

Individualism and materialism have permeated all of life and skewed our ideas around what it means to be a Christian in the West. The thoughts on community contained in this book are dangerous, painful and beautifully hopeful. Dangerous because they threaten to shake up so many of our ideas, painful because they require difficult change and sacrifice, and hopeful because if the Church can do community well, even in spite of our brokenness, we can be a part of the Kingdom of God, here on Earth.

I underlined and scribbled notes the whole way through and I am sure I will refer back to these pages often. I am not left with any easy solutions, but with a desire to work through the challenges particular to my context, with others as passionate about our need for community.

I would love to take the time to read this book again, as recommended, one chapter a week for a year, sharing a meal with friends and disusing the content. There is so much to grapple with and the chapter sections are short and meaty at the same time. Want to join me?