A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Last Daughter by Alexis L. Menard


If I say that I wanna learn more about Norse mythology, that I want to explore their world, get to know their Gods, and get to know all the magical creatures they wrote about, there's no way I can say no when an epic fantasy based on Norse Mythology is offered to me on BookSirens. Not that I wouldn't have gotten this book without the Norse Mythology. The rest of the synopsis sounds amazing as well and got me really curious.

Just like a lot of epic fantasies this book needed some time to really get going. It's only at the end of the book that the pieces of the puzzle click and that it's clear what the main plot has been all along. However, that doesn't mean I grew bored along the way. On the contrary! There was so much world building! There were so many Gods present, so many creatures and monsters. It was so great to be on this journey!

I think it's easier to follow this book if you have a basic understanding of the Norse mythology, but that doesn't mean this isn't a great introduction to it if you haven't. The author included a glossary to give some more information on certain characters, names and monsters, but a lot of explanations are also in the text itself. However, those are usually only very briefly. There is no room for info-dumps, luckily, in this book.

I also really liked the main characters in this story, although I still think the romance developed a little fast, but I guess the ending explained a lot of the why when it comes to that. The heroine was amazing, though. I loved her fighting spirit, especially because it wasn't always physical, and I loved how she also had this capacity to win the hearts of so many people, even of those people we were told to fear. Kindness can absolutely be a strength!

The epilogue makes me excited and terrified of the next book in the series!