A review by cheraquili
Credence by Penelope Douglas


"People may live different realities, but the truth is always the same."

2/5 stars

Unfortunately, I deleted my notes regarding this book by accident, and since I have read this nearly a month ago, I do not remember it as distinctively as I did before. However, I do remember that I was initially really enjoying it, mainly due to the fact that I LOVE this author's writing.

Contrastingly, it started becoming too intense for me and I honestly needed some serious cleansing after reading this bombshell. Additionally, I really disliked who the protagonist ended up with, and the stereotype that she should "cook breakfast" simply because she is a female. Apart from that, I also figured out that I DETEST bully-romance, and I seriously cannot figure out how some people can romanticize it.

All in all, it seems that out of the three books I have read by Penelope Douglas, I have only ADORED Birthday Girl.