A review by emmascr
Last Goodbye by Arlene Hunt


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour. This is the first book I have read by Arlene but it will not be the last. 

The first thing I want to talk about it the location. This book is set in Dublin. The location isn't majorly featured but there are some clear signs that we are in Ireland which I liked. 

The two main characters are very interesting. First we have Eli Quinn. He' been in the game for a while bit of an old dog who knows how the system works. He might not like it but he know's he cannot change it and has accepted this. Roxy Malloy is newly promoted and is on her first case as DS and she is damn sure she is going to make sure it isn't her last. These two are very different characters but I liked them both. I liked Roxy's determination to do what is right. To ensure that justice is served. I liked that Eli played the system to get the results they needed. 

I also really liked both characters 'number twos' Miranda Lynn and Cora Simmons. Again these are two very different people but both are very good cops and are not afraid to do their job. 

This book as very well written. It was addictive and hard to put down. I kept saying to myself just one more chapter and then I'll stop and before I knew it I was at the end of the book!

This story takes you on quite a few twists and turns and it was great to have the differing POV. This is always something I am a big fan of. There were a few things I guessed but there was no way I could have guessed who 'The Sweetheart Killer' was. 

I am really looking forward to the rest of this series and seeing a lot more from Arlene.