A review by caitlyncloud
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


I might be letting my emotions interfere with my rating. I’m mad at Will.

This book is really good. Writing wise, I could do with a little less scene setting, just in the moments where there’s a conversation going on and she suddenly goes into hearing the dog barking and imagining the dog’s eyes bugging out.

This is such a difficult topic and Jojo wrote it so well. Being pro-choice I have an easier time siding with Will because it is his life and his body and therefore could only be his choice. But I’m mad at him for how he handled it with Lou. I’m also mad that he gave everyone false hope by agreeing to 6 months. Lou pours her heart out to him and all he can say is it’s not enough? I get that he made his mind up and nothing would change it, and I get not wanting to make her think that love would change his mind so he starts with it’s not enough. But he never said he loved her too. He just made her feel like she wasn’t enough, by saying she wasn’t and never reciprocating her feelings. And then basically trying to guilt her into being there while he died? He didn’t think he was guilting her, but he was.

I can see his side clearly, I really can. But I cannot understand being so cold about it. He keeps saying that no one gets that this is his choice. What I think anyone would struggle with most is how to be so selfish. Both sides can be seen as selfish but to see how your death would hurt your loved ones and still be resolute in the decision is another level. Maybe of strength. Another level of strength and self-awareness as well as selfishness. To fully put yourself before others like this is something my mind just can’t grasp.

It’s an especially weird read because my great uncle, Jerry, was in an accident in his late 20’s and lived most of his life as a quadriplegic. Which never really resonated with me until reading this book. I can’t imagine him ever making a decision like this. But I also look back over what I know of his life and admire him that much more for being the positive person he always was. Will had all the money he could ever need to make his situation the best it could be, but couldn’t be happy. Jerry did not have money, and lived most of his life in the small back room of their house because it was the only navigable space for his wheel chair, but he was happy. He made it to 70.

I can understand Will’s decision and still be mad at him for it. But I think if I were Lou I would be more angry with Will’s mom. Honestly, it’s easy to be mad at everyone in this situation. I was thinking I’d be mad at her for bringing me into this knowing Will was set in his decision. But she couldn’t not try everything. She’s just a mom trying to help her son. Lou’s life would not have been better without Will, less painful sure. Oof. The fact that there’s real people who go through stuff like this heartbreaking.

Oh and this is definitely not as much of a love story as I thought it would be.