A review by leahkarge
Dead After Dark by Sherrilyn Kenyon


"Shadow of the Moon" by Sherrilyn Kenyon - 5 stars
I wish Fury had gotten a full length novel. He is one of my favorite characters in the Dark-Hunter series, and I feel that he was robbed by getting a story that was less than 100 pages. While I loved "Shadow of the Moon", I still think that Fury and Lia deserved to get a full novel. I think they should have had more time to work out everything and/or more obstacles to work through. It's not that I want Fury to be utterly tortured, but I think it's only fair he should have a "real" story like other Were-Hunters, such as Fang, Vane, etc. While Lia ticked me off in the beginning, I'm glad that Fury finally has someone besides his two brothers (Fang and Vane), Bride, and Trace to finally love him and for him to love back.

"The Story of Son" by J. R. Ward - 5 stars
Like with the Sherrilyn Kenyon story, I wish that Michael and Claire had gotten a full length novel. I want to see more of their story and more of Michael. This story had me in tears when she asked him what his name was and he replied that his mother always called him "Son". Michael's insecurities also had me on the verge of tears because he wasn't sure how to act with Claire. Michael's possessiveness towards Claire had me smiling, though, especially when they were at Mick's and Michael realized that Mick was Claire's former lover. Yet again, Ward delivers a fantastic story that's worthy of it's 5 stars.

"Beyond the Night" by Susan Squires - 3 stars
I found this story somewhat odd. It was not odd because it was yet another vampire story; that was to be expected in an anthology of paranormal romance stories. I think it just surprised me that it was set in the 1800s because I had just gone from stories set in modern times to a story set a couple hundred years ago. Overall, it was an okay story, but it's not really enough to make me want to go read more of Susan Squires material.

"Midnight Kiss Goodbye" by Dianna Love - 4 stars
This story was adorable and I loved Trey. Sometimes it felt like things were coming out of absolutely nowhere, though, and seemed to make no sense. I was a little confused in the beginning as to what was going on because it jumped right into the action instead of easing into the story in any way; however, it was quite easy to catch on to what was happening. I think the story was good and it was enough to make me consider reading more of Dianna Love's novels.