A review by isileebee
Cold Spell, by Jackson Pearce


Awful. Some of the laziest writing I've read in a while. A lot of things in this whole series go unanswered... How could Mora make her own Wolf-People? What significance was the broken mirror other than to vaguely tie it into the original fairy tale?


Irish Traveller: "You don't understand our culture, you think we're all theives and vagabonds!"

Literally the previous chapter:
Irish travellers break into a car, steal the contents, abduct a girl, hold her captive and get into a fist fight with each other...

Good representation doesn't come from portraying stereotypes as endearing.

There was also the usual Jackson Pearce trademark "Not Like Other Girls" crap in here too. Same old make-up shaming and "let's go book shopping not clothes shopping! That's for stupid, vapid girls!"

I'm glad I'm done with these books that have been sitting on my shelves for almost 10 years. I know all of this social commentary is irrelevant these days but these types of books were very prevalent not too long ago, and they will have influenced how young women view each other. Putting each other in boxes with labels and vilifying each other because some like make up, some like video games instead of focussing on ACTUALLY bad shit going on in the world.