A review by menfrommarrs
Clare DeWitt and the Bohemian Highway by Sara Gran


I had a difficult time following the significance of past and present case relationships and am totally confused by the insight of an illustrious French private detective, Jacques Silette and his pearls of wisdom found in his rare book, Detection.

I am also surprised by my willingness to accept that the prerequisite of a flawed private eye can be alcoholism but not drug addiction.

I allow bellying up to the bar for shots until staggering home, or taking belts from the bottle hidden in a desk drawer, or slouching on the sofa in underwear drinking glass after glass while watching I Love Lucy reruns on the tube, BUT won't accept the flaw of drug addiction.

Snorting lines on a bar's porcelain toilet lid, bumping hits from the end of a key until blood trickles out the nostrils, swiping clients prescription drugs from their medicine chests just wasn't as tolerable to me.

So what's up with me? In the end they both end up on the lavatory floor, savoring the chill from the porcelain!