A review by disconightwing
Anathema by K.A. Tucker


I really enjoyed this one! I downloaded it because it was free, and I didn't have high hopes, but I'm pleased to say that I was wrong this time.

I thought Evangeline was a likeable and believable heroine, not overly prone to any specific annoying character traits except naivete, which, to my surprise and pleasure, actually became a plot point. She goes through a series of foster homes, never growing fond of anyone, really, and never forming any real attachments. She (naively) goes to New York to work off a debt and finds herself in over her head, surrounded by vampires and cursed. She wants desperately to trust someone, but she has no idea who is safe.

Soon after discovering she is imprisoned by vampires, she realizes that the dreams she thinks she's having aren't dreams at all, but that she's getting transported to a parallel universe when she's supposed to be asleep. She makes friends in both worlds.

As far as the details, they are... well, for a paranormal romance? They're believable. The smooshy insta-love feeling lasting forever and ever wasn't even distasteful to me this time around. There was still a love triangle and I still wished there hadn't been, but hey, there has to be drama somehow.