A review by americangirlemmie
Dark of the West by Joanna Hathaway


Okay, y’all. This book was an unexpected hit for me. I went into it knowing very little about the plot, but having heard quite a lot of good things. And, I was not disappointed. I may have already found my favorite debut of 2019!

To start, this book has a lot of things I am not usually drawn to. This kind of complex, strategy based fantasy war plot is usually a bit too convoluted for me. I don’t dislike it, it just isn’t the kind of novel I usually feel engaged with. In addition, Dark of the West does have changing POVs which is not something I really like, well, ever. But, hear me out, it all worked in this book.

This novel’s writing was very fresh, very… well, young almost. The characters, who were pure and hopeful in a world where most of those in charge were cynical and corrupted, gave a new and refreshing view to the world around them. It allowed a kind of plot which can be very action heavy and dry, to be engaging and fresh, because the writing so fit the characters and their perspectives that it read incredibly naturally and was engaging from the beginning.

I did struggle at the start, especially as the novel began with two POVs that did not even overlap until a good third into the book. But, in this case, the shift was beneficial. In the style of Rosemarkedwe had two characters who were in very similar situations fundamentally, but who had been brought up with different perspectives (or, were on different sides, I should say). Having the changing POVs allowed a more whole understanding of the story line and the strategic aspects, all the while simplifying it. I believe that this formatting is a big part of why the world building and such did not take away from the characters.

Which, the characters were fascinating! I especially enjoyed Ali’s connection to her father, and how it related to her views on violence and her mother’s role in it. Now, I did have some questions on how this part of her character developed later on in the novel, but I believe that it is a plot that will be discussed more in the sequel. Athan also struggles with some related moral conflicts, but in the sense of how it relates to his family loyalties and self-worth. You all know that I love books that delve into the ever complex concepts of human morals, and this did just that.

All in all, I quite enjoyed this novel! I went in expecting little more than a fun fantasy novel, and left with story that was entertaining and complex, but also raised my heart rate significantly on more than one occasion (lol book nerd exercise). I am very glad to be a part of this tour, and hope you all make sure to check out Dark of the West!