A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Catalyst: A Rogue One Story by James Luceno


I heard, or maybe I read someone say-- this was like a pointless episode of Clone Wars. First off-- no chapter of a saga is pointless. Each thread in the arc is a stepping stone to the greater picture, and this story is no different. In fact in all these books, are key elements that reach for the new trilogy I'm finding. Which makes me further believe everything that happened was planned so very long ago. And it speaks to the level of care they take with this verse.

This was by no means an "exciting story" but it spoke to the levels of gaslighting and manipulation that the ones in the empire used to get what they needed. How it attracted those that had no other place to go so they found power in this brute force.

The creation of the Death Star was a horribly tragic story. The hunger to instill fear because we can't be trusted with our own freedom-- what a eerie concept. It made me empathize with the Ersos so much more. And I'm glad that I read this piece of the puzzle.