A review by manorclassics
The Birds They Sang: Birds and People in Life and Art by Bill Johnston, Stanisław Łubieński


"BCD or Birding Compulsive Disorder...causes the birder to shush everyone in the middle of a conversation and raise a finger in the direction of an interesting sound." - Stanisław Łubieński quoting Peter Cashwell

Beautiful, fascinating, funny and informative.

I really loved this book. I learned so much about the birds of Poland and I enjoyed Lubienski's style. He would often have two threads running through each chapter and alternate them. One would be his own experience or observations and the other the story of some historical figure connected with birds. Usually he visited the places connected with that person and included his impressions of those places along with the birds he observed there.

I would definitely read this again, maybe picking out chapters, and it's made me curious about other subjects. Excellent.