A review by alibraryofsorts
Saga #1 by Fiona Staples, Fonografiks, Eric Stephenson, Brian K. Vaughan, Fonographics


Rating: 4/5 stars

Reason for Reading: This is another graphic novel my co-worker recommended since I'm in a bit of a book slump.

Now this is definitely a story I can get into! There is a lot of action in this graphic novel that had me flipping pages so fast I didn't realize I got to the end. The characters are all unique from each other. I'm a fan of Izabela, and I hope I'll be seeing more of her in this series.

On Tumblr, someone had posted a scene with the "lying cat", and I thought it was an interesting concept, a cat that will tell you when someone is lying. I didn't realize the cat was from this series.

Anywho, great plotline. I'm interested in seeing what happens to this couple. I'm interested in the TV prince, The Will and his cat. I want to know if the newborn daughter, how will life be for her? Will this family be able to find peace in a war filled galaxy?

The artwork is nice as well. Comparing this to the last graphic novel I read, I prefer this art style tenfold.

Any Adventurers who read my review and want to read this, I do want to warn that this graphic novel is not for children. There are graphic scenes including nudity.