A review by heathersbike
CyberStorm by Matthew Mather

This book is terrifying. It reminds me of Dry, another terrifying story.

Both books had a similar passage where, at some point once the tale has been told, the main character realizes that other people in the United States (and the world) have been looking at the horror just experienced in the same dispassionate way one looks at a far away famine or war. "I remembered reading about it, a few lines of text I'd skimmed one morning with my coffee before getting on with my day. Now people all over the world were doing the same about what had happened in New York, a few lines of text in the daily news cycle until the next disaster hit." (page 341)

How do we keep from being inured to horrors inflicted on everyone with us hurling through space on our one and only Earth? Without being overwhelmed? Is it even possible? Where do you even begin?