A review by tallyvauthor
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett


Did I like it: 4★
Does it fit the genre: 5★
Does it do what it's trying to do: 5★
Storyline: 3★
Writing style: 5★
Characters: 3★
Plot Twists: 3★
Pacing: 3★

Overall: 3.75★

Breakdown: Honestly, I wanted to give up on this book at only 10% in because the misogyny made me genuinely so angry that it made it really hard to continue. I was also very mad at how the book ended (considering adding this as an extra value). Like, the plot twists were interesting, but knowing the vibe of the book they were kinda predictable.
Spoiler Like him dying was very obvious but the baby was completely unexpected. Her best friend marrying her was expected, but not him pretending to be the father of the baby. I still have no idea how smallpox really plays into the book but that's neither here nor there because I do get it, but I'm not sure it was the best way to push that point home. Also, Hanz was completely out of the blue and I loved that plot twist. I wish that the book went more into the rebellion but unfortunately, now it is only up to my imagination.
I also think she spent way too much time with Ryker but that is also neither here nor there. Wonderful world-building but not seen through to it's full potential.