A review by coffeechug
Ctrl Alt Delete: Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on It. by Mitch Joel


Another marketing book that I read while filtering all content through the eyes of an educator. Once again I have found a business/marketing books to be quite helpful when thinking about education. These people are cutting edge and Mitch Joel is right there among the best. Since reading this book I have been listening the podcasts he creates and learning so many new ways of thinking.

As I read through all my notes in Evernote that I jotted down I think one of my biggest takeaway ideas was how we look at things or ideas. I don't know if that was the central idea, but I found myself constantly writing down ideas and questions about viewing things through the mind of a consumer or someone who is actually going to use the product.

I finished this book excited to pioneer new ideas. I am going to embrace the squiggle and see what develops. Life is not linear and therefore it can get messy sometimes. Life is too short to not go out and make things happen. There is no need to wait for someone to tell us what to do. Take charge and do it!

The book is a great read. I am not going to go into his key ideas and triggers as you can read those for yourself. What I will tell you is that you will find great resources to other people who will challenge your thinking as well as take away key ideas to make yourself better. In terms of education the ideas fit. Shift your ideas and mind and don't wait around. Get out of your comfort zone and push the envelope. That is what great businesses and innovators do and therefore teachers should be doing the same.

Another must read. You have to be willing to take from the book what you want. For me it was thinking and challenging my ideas and beliefs as an educator. This book did just that.