A review by nicolesottiriou
I tre desideri by Barbara Delinsky


Reading this book, you can't help but wish that you lived in Panama. The traditions the author details about the towns events just make you want to live there. It's like a rural paradise - which fits my own backwoodsy family and instincts. Based on the books I've read by her, I've decided that Barbara Delinsky is, overall, a "grandma writer." That may be because my grandma loves her, or it may be because, in her photo, she is wearing those white grandma shoes. You know the ones. Regardless, Delinsky created a great setting, but has underdeveloped characters and issues once again. For most of the book, there was really no conflict. And, the ending was so predictable that I skipped several chapters just to reach it so I could be finished. At times, it was just too slow because you knew exactly where it was going. The ending was heart-rending, but it failed to address specific issues with other characters. I won't spoil it. There are lots of details in here about the relationship between Bree and Tom and their intimacy...I feel weird now that my grandma has read it and recommended it to me. Grandma and I are going to have to sit down and talk about what's appropriate for her to read :)