A review by thedashdude
The Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story by Stephen R. Donaldson


The Real Story: 3/5
Very short. A fun concept, telling the same story from several different directions to lead to different conclusions. Pretty dark. Nothing about it was really exceptional, but it was enjoyable.

Forbidden Knowledge: 2/5
A long book about being trapped in a spaceship with the same people for several months. Tedious, nothing happens but shuffling people around a bit. Characters are well done but the book just doesn't justify itself. Just drawn out connective tissue. The ending sets up the next book really well so I kept going.

A Dark and Hungry God Arises: 5/5
A whole new author I swear. Continuous high-stakes thrilling space action. Betrayals and twists and insane character developments. So good. Takes place over the course of like three days and more happens than in the last two books put together.

Chaos and Order: 5/5
Another banger. The scope is bigger, but he's still managing to pull twists and character choices that are just gripping.

This Day All Gods Die: 4/5
A good ending. Felt a little less tightly woven than the last two, but I was satisfied.

Hard series to recommend. Starts with two weak books in a row. I only kept going because book 3 has a raw title. Worth it? Maybe. I wish you could skip book 1 & 2 but I don't think it works great.

Impressed Donaldson managed to go five books without ever telling me what anything looked like.