A review by xalrynne
Horizon Zero Dawn - Free Comic Book Day Issue by Anne Toole, Ann Maulina


I absolutely love the game Horizon: Zero Dawn, so I was super eager to see a comic book series coming out about the game, written by one of the writers of the game! I will read anything about Horizon or Aloy because the whole story just means so much to me.

This comic book was alright. It takes place after the game and completely spoils the entire storyline and ending of the game so DO NOT read even the first page if you haven’t yet finished the game. It is not worth it; you need to experience the beauty of the entire game without spoilers.

I was a little disappointed to see this story doesn’t follow Aloy. Instead it follows Sunhawk Talanah. I don’t know if Aloy will be present in the continuing comic books or not but I sure hope so.

The art was good and I enjoyed the panels. The story was a little underdeveloped and I doubt I would understand it if I hadn’t played the game, but anyone who hasn’t played the game shouldn’t be reading the comics so I guess that’s okay. I do plan to continue with the comics because Horizon is my life, and I really hope they will go more in-depth into the world.

I did notice some information in here that alluded to the Forbidden West, so I wonder if these comic books are supposed to be a bridge between Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West? Either way, I fully intend to read everything available and replay the game at least twice more before the second game drops. I’m so excited for it!

I digress. Back to this comic: it was good but not great, simply because it was too surface-level. I would love to read a Horizon story that covers a lot more of the world and history of the game and really is immersive, so let’s hope the future installments offer some of that. Or even better, let’s hope they release prose novels about Aloy and Horizon because I would love that so much.