A review by caylarich
Fury by Rachel Vincent


I received an ARC of ‘Fury’ in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed the first 2 books of the Menagerie series. They were dark & exposed the underbelly that exists in humanity. Heck, half the appeal was reading about the horrendous things the characters had to endure whilst in captivity. I’m not sure what that says about me as a person but whatevs.

‘Fury’ was more chill than the first two books. Delilah and her band of merry cryptids are on the run, laying low, but still trying to liberate some of their captured friends. I didn’t enjoy this installment as much as the previous ones because the things that hooked me weren’t really portrayed in ‘Fury’. The stage changed. Instead of cages, dark deeds, and a little depravity..we got a cabin in the woods & motherhood. Soooo like I said, a very different setting ha.

I also feel like the end was wrapped up WAY TOO FAST!!! It went from declarations of feelings to the endgame in about 30 pages. I was shook. I wish that the feelings part had just been skipped all together. I think maybe the author did that to get a bigger reaction from the reader later on. Everything happened so fast though that I was honestly just left thinking, ‘Seriously?’. I also think that a lot of questions or storylines didn’t get answered/tied up. A sacrifice was made, but what was the outcome from society later on? Did public opinion change? Are cryptids still hunted?

The world may never know, because it wasn’t f’in mentioned in depth.

‘Fury’ was an ok read for me. I enjoyed the first 2 books more. I wish Vincent hadn’t rushed the ending.