A review by karencarlson
IBID by Mark Dunn


 I knew this book was a gimmick going in. After all, I knew Dunn’s earlier book, Ella Minnow Pea, was likewise a gimmick, but I loved it anyway, and it turned out to have more depth than I’d expected. I’d hoped the same for this one: a book composed only of end notes, the only copy of the main text having been accidentally destroyed.
Alas, no.
It starts well, and I was with it up to a point; I do love goofy humor. But after fifty pages of random, not-very-connected absurdist anecdotes, it got tiring. I didn't finish it.
It might, however, be a book worth reading in a unique way: Start, enjoy the setup and the goofiness of the premise, then scan the rest, perhaps reading a page now and then to recapture the mirth of the initial impression.
FMI see my blog post at A Just Recompense.