A review by theresidentbookworm
Black Panther #4 by Ta-Nehisi Coates


10 Things I Liked About Black Panther #4

1. The Midnight Angels taking charge and trying to make real change in their country. Is it bad that I am less and less on T'Challa's side in this series? I really think there is real reason for political unrest in Wakanda? Very good political allegories here, Mr. Coates.

2. Queen-Mother Ramonda. She might be my favorite character in this series. She's level-headed and wise, and I think T'Challa should heed her advice.

3. The meeting between Ramonda and Changamire. Also, this cold hard truth delivered by the Queen Mother: "It is a lie- one that makes your life of philosophy possible. We studied a lot together. And yet in all our time we never studied a single nation founded on truth and candor. My teachers were imaginative and visionary. But they dug no wells, built no walls, fed no children. The best of them were only men of theory." "But we were Wakanda. We were the Golden City. We were supposed to be exceptional." "We still are are Wakanda. And we will always be exceptional. You did not condemn us for being mediocre. You condemned us for not being divine ."

4. The Midnight Angel's meeting with Tetu and their unwillingness to so quickly declare him an ally. I am sort of in love with the Midnight Angels. Example? "We are not blind to recent events, Tetu. Nor are we blind to Damisa-Sakri's allies. But we are, as you say, a new country, a new nation. Prudence is required." "Even in your allies." " Especially our allies."

5. Also this: "We know who you are. We know of your battles with the king. We think you may well prove to be a true friend of our cause. But right now all we share are kind words and a common enemy. That is not yet enough."

6. Mother-son breakfast/advice time. Ramonda definitely has T'Challa's number.

7. "I do not think your problem is an old philosopher. I do not think your problem is the renegade Dora Milaje. Your problem, T'Challa... is the people."

8. "For my people I have battled world-breakers, death cultists, and men who would make themselves gods. For my people, I lost the only woman I ever truly loved. There is nothing left, Mother. I have given it all." "No, T'Challa. Let us not mince words here-- you have never given willingly. You feel the weight of the crown, but you have never felt the great honor of being king. Your people are a burden to you, and you have never let them forget this. You say you have given it all. You are wrong. You have never truly given yourself to your country."

9. Tetu's meeting with Ezekiel Stane. I had a bad feeling about Tetu even when I felt like he had valid complaints and concern about his country's government.

10. The last page. T'Challa's mad, and shit is going to go down. It really makes you long for the next issue.