A review by weehoursreads
Cooling-Off Day by Alfian Sa'at


"Because there's this deep hunger
To be part of the political process
To register your voice
To speak up and be counted.

And it's a hunger that
Bread and butter
Will not satisfy."
Fun(?) fact: Public servants must not blog, post, or publish their political opinions. So there's really no need to assume an individual is apathetic about politics simply because nothing appears on his/ her Facebook or IG stories and posts. According to Gov.sg, 'the day before Polling Day is known as Cooling-Off Day. There is a prohibition against election campaigning during this 24-hour period to give voters some time to reflect rationally on issues before voting.' It seems that we're observing Cooling-Off Day quite literally on this rainy Thursday.
'Cooling-Off Day' by Alfian Sa'at is based on interviews conducted by the playwright in the months leading up to the 2011 General Elections and in the months after. A thought-provoking play, it effectively captures different perspectives from both sides - the governing party and the opposition - and runs the gamut from the jaded to the fervent and everything in between. A must-read for every concerned citizen and voter. 4.3 stars.