A review by lucyp747d4
Christmas on the Riviera by Jennifer Bohnet


I’d like to thank Rachel from Rachel’s Random Resources for inviting me to be involved in this blog tour.

This story was a quick and easy read from cover to cover, it’s the type of book you can sit and enjoy on a chilly afternoon whilst the winter weather rains down outside. I was drawn to this book because I am curious of how people celebrate Christmas in other countries, what traditions do they uphold and what events take place. Christmas in France sounds delightful! Whilst it may not have the common characteristics you’d expect such as snow it more than makes up for it in the delicious food and beautiful markets, the thirteen different desserts on Christmas Eve sounds like my cup of tea.

I really enjoyed the close relationship between Gabby and Elodie, they truly had a special bond and it was lovely to see them both enjoying their holiday together. I was very intrigued by Gabby’s history, returning home after so many years away must have been hard for her. I wished we had got to know more about her life when she was working at the hotel and had this part of the story added to make it a dual timeline, I am a historical fiction nut though so that it probably why.

The blossoming romances for our two leading ladies were both sweet and expected. I was amused by the misunderstandings and enjoyed the courting element. I didn’t care much for Harriet as a character. I struggled with her choices, even when I had learnt of her reasons. Gabby, understandably was more forgiving but I found myself siding with Elodie on a few occasions.

If you enjoy quick reads, filled with a little romance, mystery and delicious food then this is a book for you!