A review by payal_reads_alot
The Marvelous Mirza Girls by Sheba Karim


A bit of coming of age, a bit of coming into culture, a bit of self-esteem builder. But all in all, it was just a slice of life book. There were some awkward parts. As expected Noreen, who was born and brought up in America as a third gen Pakistani, didn't fit in well in India in many situations. I thought the explanation of using incorrect grammar was very well put.

HOWEVER, there was too much repetition of nearly everything. All the foods gave her indigestion, all the ruins/masjids gave her a spiritual experience, all the people she met were striking, just too much! As an Indian I get that we're nearly always TOO MUCH but really?

And the whole MeToo thing was interesting. While I get what the author was trying to do, it didn't really fit with the story. Again, slice of life but really I didn't understand at the end what this was supposed to be. Eat, Pray, Love, but desi style? No thanks, didn't even like the first iteration of it.