A review by krisandburn
Betty Church and the Suffolk Vampire by M.R.C. Kasasian


I do love a mystery every now and then and this one was quite a fun one. There were a few things that I did not love about this book, but overall it was an enjoyable read.

Betty Church, a savvy no-nonsense woman in her late thirties, was a great main character. I wish her actual character shone through a bit more, but I did like her a lot. However, why did all the side characters need to be so no-sensical? Pretty much every single one of them! I think that detracted a little bit for me.

I did love the humour in this book. I am a big fan of sarcasm and there was plenty of that in there. The tone of writing was right up my street.

I also thought the setting and time period were pretty good, with first the threat of war and then the actual war (WWII) going on. It was interesting to read what measures government was taking to protect the country from the characters’ point of view.

The mystery itself and its resolution was just ok for me. Much of it I already guessed unfortunately. However, that did not take away from the fact that as a whole I enjoyed this novel quite a bit.

Will I read the next Betty Church mystery when it comes out? Yes, I probably will.