A review by bookishbuddies
The Black Key by Amy Ewing


3,5-ish stars

A good portion of this review will contain spoilers, so read at your own risk!

While I do think this was a very enjoyable book, I felt it was a bit lacking in some areas. While I really liked the idea of the Paladin and them being the protectors of the island, I felt that it could have been fleshed out more in this book. We didn't get any more explanations in this book, so we had to make do with what we were given in the second instalment.

I also felt as if everything just went too smoothly.
Spoiler My problem with this started right at the beginning of the book, when they had to sneak into the holding facilities. Aren't there any guards stationed around those things at night? Is no one patrolling the hallways at night? In the first book they are said to be nearly impossible to break out of, but the ease with which Raven and Violet do so in this book was a bit disappointing. Then, when Violet decided she had to go and save her sister. I do realise she used the Auguries to change her appearance, but I find it very difficult to believe that no one except from Cora (and later Carnelian) recognised her in some way. Although I suppose that she didn't have that much contact with anyone while she was a surrogate. And next: the medical rooms. Seriously, if they want to prevent Hazel from escaping, why on earth are there no Regimentals stationed in the room with her. Violet just walks in and out and no one notices anything? At all? And then the entire thing with the Auction. Except for the deaths of a few minor characters (and Lucien, which was very sad :( ) nothing bad happens to any of them. They manage to get down the wall in one go, and they manage to fight of a batallion of Regimentals in one go (with minimal casualties on their side). And I know that the Paladin are special, but that's not how a war/revolution works. And then when they go looking for the Duchess of the Lake, and they can just go waltzing in. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS? I guess that question is answered when the Exetor comes in with all his guards. And again: Somehow everyone on the good side manages to survive, while the odds are twenty against four. It just doesn't work that way. Don't get me wrong, I would have hated it if any of the main characters died, but it still isn't realistic that no one actually does. It's also awfully convenient that one of her dodged bullets hits the Exetor. And it's awfully convenient that Carnelian stabs the Duchess in the back, so Violet doesn't have to. That brings up another question: what happened to Carnelian after the fighting ends? Does she survive? Does she die? Is she imprisoned? Same for the Electress: where even is she?

I really did enjoy this book, even if I had my problems with it. I would have liked this book to be a bit more elaborate in some aspects, and I really would have liked to know more about the actual island and magic: where does it come from, why do the people that have the magic have it, etc. I also would have liked to know more about the world around the island, but eh, I guess we can't all have what we want. Apart from this lack of detail, I really liked how fast-paced it was, and I still really like the characters, especially Garnet and Raven!