A review by octavia_cade
The Tuesday Night Club: A Short Story by Agatha Christie

mysterious fast-paced


I've come across this concept before, in an Isaac Asimov collection, although given the relative dates I'm pretty sure he got the idea from Christie. A group of people meet once a week, and each week one of the members puts a mystery to the rest and asks them to solve it. Miss Marple sort of invites herself, but in all fairness this is less rude than it appears, given that the people discussing it don't even think of including her, because of course a little old lady won't have anything valuable to contribute when it comes to the various crimes and shady dealings of the world. Needless to say, the dotty old lady act is exactly that and she beats them all hollow, solving the case because she knows something they don't about making desserts. Which on the one hand I find quite amusing... but on the other, berries (particularly strawberries) are clearly the correct topping for a trifle, so I don't know what unfortunate kitchen Miss Marple has been frequenting, I really don't.