A review by jesabesblog
If It Was Easy, They'd Call the Whole Damn Thing a Honeymoon: Living with and Loving the Tv-Addicted, Sex-Obsessed, Not-So-Handy Man You Marri Ed by Jenna McCarthy


Someone called this “an amusing romp through the psychology of marriage” and I love that description. The subtitle made me nervous it would be a little too husband-bashing for me, but it’s more of a Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus kind of thing – although maybe I shouldn’t say that, having never read that book. What I mean is it was filled with anecdotes about the differences between husbands and wives (mostly Jenna and her husband specifically) and how they each drive the other crazy. It was a nice light read for when I needed to break up all the books about dystopian worlds and vampires:)