A review by thebookberrie
Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton


My reaction to this book as a whole is what it was after every single one of these story stories: uhhhh okay. I knew going into this that it was a bunch of stories connecting with the same theme but I did not expect this book to be this bad. I'm sorry but I just didn't like anything.

Most of these stories were just... pointless. After each one I was wondering what even the point was when it just cut off instead of having a complete story in itself. This is not like Black Mirror (would have been good) because then it would have been full stories instead of just snippets. A couple of stories in the beginning were okay, the first one didn't do anything but the one with the robot girl wasn't bad but the stories just kept getting more and more weird, insane, and it lost me so hard. They really wanted to top each other on how weird and nonsense they could really be.

Cool idea, everything else is a yikes from me.