A review by minervacerridwen
Anachronism by Jennifer Lee Rossman


Before I start on this review, I have to say that I read this book over a very busy period of time, with too long between reading sessions, and that this may influence my thoughts. If I were able to travel back in time and start reading later for a more optimal experience, I would, but unfortunately I'm unable to do so.
Warning for major spoilers below, between the spoiler tags!

When I started on the first chapter, it looked like Anachronism had everything to be the perfect book for me. A witty writing style full of puns, time travel, a queer main character. And yet I ended up having mixed feelings about it. At certain points, the extra facts that were inserted for reasons of humour were a little too much for me, distracting me from the course the sentence was actually taking and breaking my immersion. On the other hand, there were also several real gems among the puns and metaphors.

Halfway, the book really picked up its pace and I couldn't put it down anymore as it led to a conclusion that was certainly unexpected. And yet I found myself frowning at the end because the interactions between the characters didn't feel realistic in the given situation.
SpoilerThe idea that they would still be friends, after the men so utterly manipulated Petra for a ridiculous plan and after they literally killed her father, really bothered me.

However, I certainly rooted for the characters
Spoilerand my headcanon is that Petra will become the president after all, marked by her adventure and Moses' firm belief in her having the right skillset.

I will definitely pick up more books and stories by Jennifer as she is a very funny and skilled storyteller, but this particular novella was less up my street than I had expected going in.
SpoilerI suppose I like to believe in magic too much, rather than to get a perfectly logical (?) explanation for it all.