A review by novelesque_life
Snap by Belinda Bauer


2018; Atlantic Monthly Press/Ingram Publisher Services
(Review Not on Blog)

I am definitely in the minority on this book, at least among my fellow friends and reviewers, that I found this book okay. I listened to this one on audio and it was a bit slower paced for me and I found my mind wandering at times. I would read some other reviews on Goodreads as I was just lukewarm to this novel. I did love Bauer's [b:Rubbernecker|16071656|Rubbernecker|Belinda Bauer|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1357425539s/16071656.jpg|21865648] which I also listened to on audio and am absorbed in the story.

***I received an eARC from EDELWEISS***