A review by diagnosedromantic
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian


I’ve learned something about Cat Sebastian and I. I think the books I love the most are the low-plot slice of life books (i.e. Seducing the Sedgwick’s series, We Could Be So Good). This book just didn’t hit it for me. I don’t think this was at the fault of the writing, I think I’m just in the low-angst/high-swoon category of CS books.

I don’t want to go too much into the plot because it picks up exactly where Kit Webb left off, but I can tell you it starts with an epistolary element (which I am complete trash for) and had a lot of promise for the MCs. But as the book went on I just never really believed that the couple actually liked each other. Rob is obviously completely in for Marian but Marian seems aggressively lukewarm towards Rob. Similar to how I felt in Kit Webb, I just never felt the chemistry between the 2 and couldn’t really get there with them. But again, this is just accounting for my taste.

Overall, this was a good book, just not for me.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4/5 stars
2/5 spice level