A review by lisaluvsliterature
The Brightest Night, by Jennifer L. Armentrout


I’ve loved all of this series and was actually pretty glad to hear that this wasn’t going to be the final book in the series. Although knowing that it wasn’t the last one also meant that I knew it would have a cliffhanger. And as I just finished with that major cliffhanger, I don’t know how I’m going to wait another year. As usual it is hard to write a review about the third book in a series where all the books so far have had cliffhangers and not spoil for others who haven’t read yet. But I'll do my best!

Now, I’ve always talked about how much I love Daemon Black, and how even though I love Luc in this series, I still was feeling more for Daemon. But this book Luc totally took over and kept me thinking about him and Evie/Nadia the whole time. What I really liked about this book is all the things we learned about what created Evie, as well as even more about Luc’s past, not to mention even more just about the Luxen and Arum themselves. Now when I read the book before this, I was kind of excited that my city had a big part in that story. Well, now that part of the story feels even more real, although on a larger scale, because it had to do with a mysterious flu type of virus/disease. COVID-19 anyone? Now I had some little inklings of things as the story went along that could possibly be where the cliffhanger of this book might end up. And I was actually right about one of those little thoughts I had. But as usual, Armentrout kept me guessing the whole time, throwing other things out, other things that did actually fill in the bits and pieces that led to where that one aspect of the story finally exploded.

Now, I read a lot, and I know a lot of you read more than I do. But suffice it to say that this book was really good, because I got behind in reading, and it was 450 pages I had three days to read. I read about 275 of those pages the last day. And it wasn’t like I had to force myself to keep reading. Nope, the minute I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down, and really only did that when I’d get interrupted by something.

I know we’ve all been wanting a time machine to jump past the year 2020 to hopefully be done with all the pandemic craziness, but I’m going to need that just to get to where book 4 is ready for me to read. I say that, but then there is the third book in the Harbinger series by Armentrout that comes out next summer, so I guess I would want to stop the time machine so I could get that one right away too. And it’s not like there isn’t the new Blood and Ash series she started this year, that I have the first one sitting on my shelf waiting to read. So I’ll live I guess. But let’s finish up this review by saying again how much I love, love, love, LOVED this book!

Review first published on Lisa Loves Literature.