A review by wanderlustlover
Altered Carbon, by Richard K. Morgan


Summer 2021 (August);

Wow, this book was disappointing.

When I fell in love with the tv show Alterd Carbon (mid-pandemic, I think?), I started on this book, but it fell by the wayside like everything else that required interest and focus. I picked it up again a week or so ago, meaning to finish my read of the original canon after deciding to rewatch first season of the show.

This whole read was a series of being more and more disappointed, and realizing how much the show took a great world and plot idea and then made it better (which is such a rare thing for me to say, as a staunch member of "the book is ALWAYS better club"). The characters are thinner, and no one really feels as three-dimensional or dynamic as Kovac. Elliot & Kristin do not exist in the same way. Miriam's ending is entirely different. Just in general I found myself nose-wrinkling at most of everything, which is sadly why, even while just writing this, it lost another star.