A review by marinemoleculess
Women by Charles Bukowski


Holy hell.

Purely events, no introspection. Sure, that works for some books (just not this one). Might as well just watch an insecure narcissist’s most cut-and-dry fantasies play out. Best described by a quote from within the book itself: “affected and bland, a pebble.”

All meaningful excerpts could be condensed into one or two pages.

Repeatedly follows the same formula of meet, screw, leave. The female characters don’t do much besides running and screaming. The protagonist spends 15% of his time “sucking on a beer,” vomiting, or pissing. If I had to read the phrase “I kissed her” (verbatim) one more time, I might lose it. Empty and devoid of substance. I regret having spent $15 on it.