A review by britneygulb
Zombie Kid by J. Scott Savage


This is definitely the kind of book young boys won't be able to put down. Each chapter ends on a tantalizing cliff-hanger. Readers have to turn the page to see what happens next. What a relief, right? Something that gets boys away from video games and into a book? It must be a miracle. And really, this book is just that good.

J. Scott Savage does an awesome job of letting readers figure things out as they go. Kids have ample opportunities to guess what's happening before it's outright stated. This gives kids the chance to think things through, come up with ideas, and gain confidence when they get it right. I love the way he does this!

I can't wait until my son is old enough to read this with me!

Side note: Please read the "Acknowledgements" section at the end. I'm so glad that I did. Hilarious!

Full review here: http://www.britneygulbrandsen.com/2014/01/literary-caffeine-case-file-13-zombie.html