A review by starsandvellum
Grave Secrets by Cassandra Aston


I wanted to like this book so much more than I actually did. It has all the fixings for a book I'd enjoy.
- Family Mystery
- Romance
- Slow Burn
- Demons

Overall, while I think this was a good book, I probably wouldn't read it again. I loved the dynamic between Allie and Simon, they're so cute. I loved Allie as a character as well, she's completely badass and loveable. I think we all want to have a bit of Allie in our personalities. I loved how the "haunted house" kind of atmosphere played into it as well (also being a lover of old house style horror and mystery)

I wasn't a huge fan of how the story was told. In the first quarter of the book a lot of the backstory is told through dialogue with Simon. Although it's written very descriptively and doesn't read as authentic dialogue if that makes sense? It didn't feel natural and it felt kind of monotonous. The latter half of the book was better, but still didn't whisk me away.

The overall plot of this book (I won't say because of spoilers) wasn't one that was made for me either. I'm not a fan of the trope. Had I known this going into the book, I would have been more prepared. It was a little let down?

Overall, I think this is a great story for a certain type of person. Unfortunately at this time, that person wasn't me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free Ebook copy of this book in exchange for a fair, honest review.