A review by skyfox24kd
Academic Curveball by James J. Cudney


I loved this and I can’t wait to read the next one. I’m invested. Nana D is hilarious and so is the MC Kellan. I have a Nana so it is good to see one in a story.
All that dessert talk. My gosh !! I seriously feel the need to bake something or talk someone else into it.
I haven’t read a cozy in a while and this was just perfect to ease me back in to the genre. This was my type of cozy. It was missing a cat but it had pies ! I laughed a lot and loved and appreciated the humor. It was a huge bonus in addition to the excellent mystery.
I adored the mystery and how Kellan went about getting ppl to talk about things. Everyone was their own, unique and defined character. I had no trouble keeping up with the many characters and suspects because of this, though there were quite a few.
Some interesting developments are in the works, it seems, for book 2 and I’m here for it! Yay!

Let’s see what else.. I highlighted some of my favorite passages bc this was kindle format. The author didn’t ask me to read this, I just did because it sounded good and it was better than that.
The ending was quite the smack! Like cherry pie in the face ! Oh! Shocker. Great job, Mr. Cudney.

(Well some of my highlights are being a butt. But there are more than appear here. They will eventually catch up. )