A review by blairchristine
The City of Dusk by Tara Sim


A fantasy is about four heirs and their gods. From the epilogue and the first chapter i was hooked. I wanted to learn more about this world, the four heirs, and the gods that they belonged to. Demons, Necromanciers, Elementals, Lumins and Shades. You get a little bit of everything from book 1 of a new fantasy series by Tara Sim. Conjuring is a big no no and against the law in this world. And a group keeps doing it. The dead coming back without the House of Vakara help. The world is starting to suffer and the only way to break it is for all the heirs to come together. But will they succeed or will it cause more chaos… I loved the writing and how this new world grabbed my attention and kept it the entire time. I will gladly be purchasing a physical copy on realease day and will be eagerly awaiting the next installment. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! This is one you don’t want to miss!