A review by luciferslibrary
Buddha and the Rose by Neha Rawat, Mallika Chopra


 Thank you to Pacific & Court for providing me with an ARC of Buddha and the Rose.

Buddha and the Rose is an illustrated picture book about a girl who took a simple rose in her hand, closed her eyes and connected with nature.

Through her imagination and state of calm, she bared witness to a unique world only visible to us when we're open to it. Just like Buddha, Sunjata sat down and took her time to truly be one with nature. And through that connection, the natural world reminded her that it's everywhere, breathing inspiration and life into everything it touches.

Sunjata saw the revival of the flower she was holding, the journey its seed took in order for it to grow. She saw how nature worked together to get it to blossom. She saw the rain, the dirt and bees all working in unison.

It reminds us that there are endless cycles of life and inter-connectedness going on around us, even when we're too involved in our lives to appreciate them. Despite the reminder that we're just one small being in a vast, growing universe, this book makes us also appreciate ourselves. For we are here for a reason too.

And in the end, I want to share one specific quote:

"I saw the Earth, the sun, the stars, and the galaxy around me.
And I knew I was magic and special—just like the rose."

This book is absolutely beautiful. Through its illustrations and the messaging, I recommend anyone to read it for themselves or for their loved ones. I also think it's a wonderful reading material for children.

As someone who deals with anxiety and other mental health issues, I really appreciated and loved this book. 5/5 stars