A review by sleeping_while_awake
Precursor by C.J. Cherryh


Another solid entry and just as engaging as the previous book.

Precursor is the first book in space! It's limited to the space station and its politics. A contrast to the typical atevi politics being obscure, the humans in the space station have their own motives that aren't clear to everyone.

Bren and the atevi try to navigate the negotiations among the humans in Mospheira, the space station, and the atevi. Each have their own interested. In the beginning, Mospheira and the atevi appear diametrically opposed. They have been that way for the previous three books. However, as things progress, they may have things in common.

I like that at this point in the series, I am completely on the atevi side of things. Even though now there are two distinct human groups, I can't help but just root for the cold-headed atevi.

I am super interested in what these other aliens are that are supposedly a threat. I'm sure it will still be a decent number of books before there's any sort of face to face meeting with the threat, but I am invested.

Overall, similar pacing as the previous books.